Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Visit #3

Arrived at the house yesterday 3:00 and knew right away the house keeper had been there! :) I was greeted OUTSIDE by Zeus!! Hmm.. he followed me to the door which was no surprise because it was raining and miserable outside. I grabbed the key and entered the garage with Zeus in tow and then ran into a little problem.. I couldn't get the door to open. Hmm.. ok, no panic went back out and made it into the front door. When I went back to the garage I checked the door and it just must have been jammed because it opened fine from the inside. Cleaned the upstairs litter box and looked around for Dante.. found her outside on the back patio pleading with her eyes to come in out of the weather. Let her in and we all headed downstairs.
Both cats went right to the food so they must have been outside for some time. The food and water dishes were full already and the downstairs litter box was clean. While checking these things I noticed the sound of water running.. hmm.. followed my ears to the downstairs bathroom and discovered it was the toilet. I am no expert with toilets, but I opened the lid and jiggled a few things and prest-o! It stopped running. No extra charge for plumbing services ;)
It was time to feed some chickens.. headed outside and fed and watered the chickens then gathered an even dozen eggs. Double checked that the house was locked up since I didn't take my normal route and headed home.